Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Friday!

Here's the last of my ideas from my teaching days...

It's Happy Friday, and do you know what that means?

"It means something fun and exciting is going to happen in class today!"

This is what I would tell my third grade students each Friday. They looked forward to what the day would bring. Here are some of the things that would surprise them...

extra 5-10 minutes at recess
home made goodies
pet the toads
no home work pass (always a favorite!)
toad cash (money they could spend at my store)
extra credit on an assignment
a fun game or activity at the end of the day

Since moving here last fall, we've done some neat things on our Fridays. Because it is Q's day off, we've made it a Happy Friday each week by doing something fun together. We love thrift store shopping, playing putt-putt, going to the mountains, watching a movie, or going to a coffee shop. By the way, it's where we are right now, and it's been soooo relaxing and fun!

Do you have a special day that you set aside for just you and your family? What kinds of things do you all do?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you miss teaching very much. I'm sure some teachers have loved stumbling on to your site to get ideas!


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