Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Belly Button Bear

It's back to school week here in Boulder County! The kids in our neighborhood either started school yesterday or today. So, I thought it would be fun to write about a few things that I did when I taught in the classroom. Whether you are a teacher or a homeschooling parent, you may get some ideas here over the next few days....

First up--check out my little bear:

His name is Belly Button (do you see his button?). We all thought he was such a cute friend to have in the Kindergarten classroom.

Every morning, Belly Button would sit on my podium as we started off the school day. He was right there when we did the Pledge of Allegiance, our patriotic song and prayer. Then, the students would sit down and I would remind them of the expected behavior for the day. Belly Button loved them as much as they loved him, but he had to take turns spending time with each student.

I told them that he would be watching them for half the morning for great work and behavior. Then, sometime after morning recess, Belly Button would whisper in my ear who he wanted to sit with. He'd plop onto the child's desk and stay there all day. However, if Belly Button was caught talking or playing around (along with the student, of course), then he'd have to come back with me.

He was a great incentive to have each day. The kids absolutely loved it! Perhaps you have a special friend your students or children could have as a treat for doing a great job with school work and behavior. Maybe, you have a unique game or item they can play with during free time. While it's essential to have consequences for disobedience, it is also necessary to praise diligence and obedience with students.

So where is Belly Button now? Well, he's here at home. He's taking a break from all those years with the kiddos, but he sure does miss them. Perhaps some day he'll be at church with the Sunday School kids, back in a classroom, or maybe with some kids at home. He is an awesome friend to have and I love having him around....

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am a big fan of teddy bears I have a shelf with a few of my favorites...Very cute idea ~Love Heather


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