Sunday, July 4, 2010

Patriotic decorations for our church potluck

I had fun decorating for today's special celebration at church. I came up with a quick way to decorate the tables.....

I dipped star-shaped sponges in red and blue paint to make a few table runners. This is something kids can do, too. It was fun and so easy!

I had some patriotic decorations in my stash from when I taught, so I used them to decorate the white board and bulletin board. The white board says, "My country tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee we sing..."

I made the letters and the stars. I made the stars by tracing cookie cutters onto construction paper. On this board are posters of the Pledge of Allegiance, The Star Spangled Banner, and a United States map. 

As people brought in their food, they commented on how pretty the tables were and how they liked the boards. It really encouraged me and I'm glad it was a blessing to them.

I took some pictures of our time together, but I'll have to share those when Q and I return from our trip. We are leaving for California in just a few minutes. We'll be gone for almost two weeks. Pray that the Lord gives us safety on the roads and that we'll have some precious times with family. I've gotta run....

Happy Fourth of July! I'm thankful we live in a country where we can worship God freely, aren't you? Until next time...

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