Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The 17-mile drive, part 1

For the next several days, I'll be sharing the highlights of our trip to California, including some crafts that we did with the kids.

Our first stop was Monterey, where Q's sister and family live. Her husband attends the Naval Post-Graduate School, so this is why they are currently living there. The day after we arrived, everyone (except Brian who was attending classes), set out for the 17-mile drive. It is a gorgeous drive along the coast with several spots to get out and enjoy God's creation.

Gabriel, Annalina, and Ross really enjoy China Rock. It is the perfect place to catch some waves and go exploring!

As Carson gets older, he will enjoy some of the things his older siblings like to do there.

The first thing they did was run away from the water as the tide came in. It was fun watching them as they tried not to get their shoes wet.

Then we set off exploring...looking for any little creature that may be lurking about...

Annalina claimed this hermit crab as her own. The kids really like looking for these guys whenever they go to China Rock.

Next up...more exploring along the coast...stay tuned!:)

1 comment:

  1. Looks familiar( I am in California) and beautiful ~ Looks like a very nice trip ~Blessings Heather


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