Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Garden: there's lots of growing going on...

Q and I have been encouraged with how the garden is growing. This morning, we spent some time transplanting the roma tomato plants into bigger cups and pots. My second try with these this season is really going well. Right now we are keeping them indoors for most of the day. We're gradually increasing their time outside so that it's not a big shock to them when we place them in the garden.

I was so excited to see some strawberries growing....

There were a few more strawberries a few days ago, so I think a critter has been getting into them. We'll have to put some kind of covering over them.

Q's experiment with this upside-down pepper is looking good! Even after a couple days of cold and lots of rain recently, the plant is thriving.

The lettuce is so green and I can't wait to eat some of it. The bean plants, corn, potatoes, carrots, and melons are growing more and more each day. The rhubarb plant on the side of the house is huge, so I'll be cutting and freezing a bunch this week.

The roses are absolutely gorgeous! Every time I go outside I notice new buds opening up. Isn't the Lord good to give us such beauty in the things He has created?

How's your garden doing? I can't wait to start harvesting some of the things we're growing, but it still may be a while...

1 comment:

  1. i am really missing having a yard and watching all my perennials bloom! i dream of growing veggies for my kids to eat... but i guess i will have to enjoy the growth on everybody elses blogs for now. :) how cool.


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