Monday, May 10, 2010

Spring cleaning: the kitchen

I was so glad to finally get another room organized and deep-cleaned. The kitchen took a few hours on a couple different days.

Here's what I got done in the kitchen:

1. Walls were were wiped down with all-purpose cleaner.
2. Cupboards were cleaned and contents were organized.
3. Oven was cleaned inside and out.
4. The refrigerator was cleaned and organized.
5. The pantry was wiped down and organized.
6. The floor was swept and mopped.
7. The trash can was washed.
8. Small appliances were cleaned thoroughly.

The open pantry holds canned and dry goods as well as my cookbooks. 

How's your spring cleaning coming? I'm on a roll now...hope to get done before summer is here!;)


  1. Wow it looks wonderful mine is not quite as tidy right Husband broke his ankle and he is keeping me busy and I just can't seem to keep up with the house work right now ~I enjoyed the pictures ~Blessings Heather

  2. You put me to shame. I'm doing good just to keep up with keeping the clutter down and cleaning what everyone can see. :)


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