Monday, May 3, 2010

My Garden: the preparations continue...

The garden is really coming along. I'm very thankful for all the hours Q has put in getting it ready for planting.

While I was on my trip, he worked on setting up an area as a special surprise--here's my strawberry patch:

We have some plants waiting inside because of the unpredictable weather we've been having. I can't wait to see how they do this year and if they'll even produce fruit this season.

Q also set up a small area for potatoes. He's also added more compost and manure to our gardening areas.

My tomato plants are growing so fast! Our heirloom seeds came in, so a few of those have been planted indoors as well. 

This tiny tomato plant is hilarious to me because it's popping up from the bottom of my greenhouse. Not too long ago, I pulled this little guy out thinking that he was dying. I wanted the other plant in the cup to thrive. I just set him down with a bit of dirt...and next thing you know, he's alive! Pretty interesting, eh?

How's your garden coming? I would love to hear how it's going!;)

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