Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Birthday Week, part 2

The next three days of my birthday week were great! 

Day 4: (my actual birthday) Quentin took me to The Egg and I--one of my favorite restaurants. We went there last year, too, so I think it's becoming a tradition.

Q spotted this hot sauce on the table and said that he was going to try it. Not me--I don't like anything really hot and spicy!

I ordered my favorite meal there--stuffed french toast. This is the picture I took last year, but it was still the same. In between the two toast layers was egg, cheese and sausage. On the side were ranch potatoes--yum!!

Day 5: Q had this wonderful idea for me to try driving the riding lawn mower, but it was pretty wet from all the rain and snow (yes, I did say snow) so I didn't do it. Instead, Q taught me how to plant my strawberry plants.

Day 6: I've always wanted to try knitting again since it's been years since I was taught the basics. My fourth grade teacher had a knitting club, but I didn't get very far with it. By the looks of the picture, you can see I didn't get very far with it this time. I am determined to get it some time!

I borrowed this book from the library thinking that I would get it because it's a kid's book. I think I need to be more patient with knitting, and perhaps have some one show me hands-on. I do much better that way! 

Have any of you thought to have a special birthday week for yourself? What ideas have you come up with? I'd love to hear them...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, WOW that stuffed french toast looks SUPER YUMMY!!

    I want to learn to knit too!!! I know that sometimes Beverly's (that store we went to when you were here) sometimes has classes on Saturday. Maybe, I should try that sometime. I'd like Annalina to learn at some point too.


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