Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More of our kids....

Here are a few more pictures from the graduation I went to on Saturday. They turned out so well that I just had to share them!

These guys are "our kids" because Q loves and cares for them like I do. From having them in youth group, teaching them in a class or helping them prepare a sermon for the annual competition, he has been there for these guys. As you know, just a couple of them were in my third grade class, but a few more were in my high school choir.

Bronner graduated from the academy last year. Last week, his mom called me and asked if I could write a letter of recommendation for him to receive a music scholarship at a Christian college in California. He had started off in another school, but the Lord has directed him to transfer to get a better music education. I'm so glad I can do this for him. He did a great job singing in my choir both years I taught. He is currently interning at his church leading the choir. 

I know you've already seen her, but I thought this picture of me and Bethany came out really cute. Isn't she gorgeous?;)

Ryan had his open house on Sunday, so mid-afternoon, Q and I drove to his house about forty-five minutes away. It was so good to see our last Pastor and his family there. This picture of he, Ryan and Q is a great reminder to me of how much a pastor can influence young people to serve the Lord. Ryan's got great models to look up to. 

These are all the graduates who we taught in the school. Katie and her twin brother Andy (on the far left) went to the academy for many years and were in my third grade class, too. This year they have been finishing up their senior year home schooling.

We had a great time with these kids, their parents, and friends from our last church at Ryan's open house. It was such a sweet memory and one that I will never forget.

By the way....a few of these pictures were taken by Ryan's sister, Leah, who is a professional photographer. I've had the privilege of knowing her for several years as she also went to the academy. She's got such a great spirit about her--as well as a good eye with her camera! Check out her website called Leah Christine Imagery. You'll love her photos!

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