Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'm proud of my man!;)

As many of you know, Quentin works another job besides being pastor of our small church. He works with disabled adults at a home in Boulder. Currently, there are six people living in the house. Quentin is one of a few employees who work with these individuals with cleaning, cooking, giving them their medications and getting them to appointments, jobs and activities. He thoroughly enjoys working with them to help them be the best they can be. 

Yesterday, Q sent me a link to an article that was written about him in their "staff spotlight." It's a publication put out by Imagine!, the company he works for. I'm very proud of Quentin! He is doing so well. I'm thankful that God has given him this other job, not only because he is a good testimony of Christ's love to these people and coworkers, but also because it supplements our income and gives us great health insurance (which we've already had to use). God has been good!


  1. WOW! That is SUPER! Great job Quentin! Mom and I enjoyed reading that.

  2. Thanks, Abigail. So glad both of you could enjoy the article.


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