Saturday, April 3, 2010

But Still He Loved Me

I am amazed at how much God loves us every single day. He's patient, forgiving and always has the best in store for us. When we're discouraged, full of heartaches, and our world seems to be upside-down, He wraps us around with His loving arms. 

This heart imprinted on my window gave me a reminder of God's love for me.

As we've been approaching Easter, I've been thinking a lot about how much Jesus suffered as He was ridiculed, beaten and hung on the cross--all because He loves us. My pains, both physical and emotional cannot compare to what He went through. And when I've shed tears and my heart is aching, I know He understands.

He loves you and me more than anything! I'm so thankful, aren't you?

I love the song, "But Still He Loved Me" by John R. Wyatt. It's one I sang on Easter a couple years ago. I'd like to leave you with the words....

But Still He Loved Me

I scourged the back of Jesus, with thorns, I crowned His head,
I cursed Him and I mocked Him, I longed to see Him dead.
I laughed with scorn as I followed Him up the path to Calvary,
I nailed His hands upon a cross, And His blood ran at my feet.

But still He loved me, Near death forgave me,
By grace He saved me, from all my sin.
My heart is filled with pain, as I beheld the stain
His blood has made for me at Calvary.

His friends removed His lifeless form, the King of the Jews was dead.
They took Him to His palace, and there they laid His head.
His palace was a cold dark tomb around which guard did tread,
and then that morn they cried, "He's gone," He had risen from the dead.

Yet still He loved me, thro' death forgave me,
By grace He saved me, from all my sins.
He now lives in my heart from where He'll ne'er depart
this Christ who died for me at Calvary.

Have a wonderful Easter! 


  1. Do you have the music for this song. I want to sing it in church for a special number, but I cannot find the music anywhere.



  2. Hi, Micah! The publisher of this song is the Wilds. They are a camp/conference center in a few locations in the United States. Hope this helps.


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