Saturday, March 6, 2010

M is for Moses

This past Wednesday in our Kids' Bible Club our theme was "M is for Moses." I've tried several times to upload pictures from the night, but for some reason haven't been able to. So, I was able to retake a few pictures to show you. I don't have a picture of the snack or of the kids, but I will describe what we did the best I can.

Bible time: The Bible lesson was taken from Exodus 2:1-10. It focuses on how Moses was found as a baby by Pharoah's daughter. Because his parents put him in the river, his life was saved and he grew up in Pharoah's home. God had a special plan for his life when he was older as he helped deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

After the story, I taught Mieka and Sylar the Bible verse. It was Psalm 118:6. It says, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?" 

We played this game from my Children of the Bible game book. It's laminated, so it's easy to move pieces around as necessary. This one called, "A message for me" was really fun for the kids. I asked questions from the story and when they said the right answer, they chose a number for me to remove from the board. Underneath those numbers was the message, "God has a plan." They were able to say it right before the last number was removed. We talked about how God had a plan for Moses' life and how he has a plan for our lives as well.

Craft time: After they completed their worksheet, we each made a baby Moses out of clay. I cut out water and grass with pinking shears. I cut slits on the sides of the water for the pieces of grass to stand up in. Then, before we put the baby in, we used a tooth pick to give him facial features. These are so cute and tiny. The project fits in the palm of my hand.

Snack time: We ate graham crackers spread with frosting for our snack. I gave them some M & M candies to spell out the letter "m" on their cracker before they ate it. 

Next time we will learn about a man who obeyed God despite opposition from those around him. Do you want a clue as to who it is? His name begins with the letter "n." Come back to find out if you're right with your guess!:)

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