Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've been awarded...

...with two awards from Amanda at Mommy's Idea Book! I'm really excited because I get to pass on the awards to some fabulous bloggers. 

For the "One Lovely Blog Award" you need to:
1. Give thanks and link to the person who gave it to you.
2. Pass this award on to 15 fantastic bloggers you've recently discovered.
3. Contact bloggers and tell them that they've won.

For the "Beautiful Blogger" award you need to:
1. Give thanks and link to the person who gave you the award.
2. Pass this award on to 15 fantastic bloggers you've recently discovered.
3. Contact bloggers and tell them that they've won.
4. List seven things about yourself.

Here are the bloggers I'm giving these awards to:


Congratulations! You all make my days sweeter when I get to read about your lives, passions and creative ideas.:) And now for the seven things about me....

1. The first part of my name, "Theo" came from two maternal grandmothers. Most people ask me where the name comes from right after I meet them.
2. My favorite color is blue.
3. I was nine years old when I experienced snow for the first time. (I grew up in San Francisco!)
4. I like to organize things--A LOT!
5. I had the honor to sing the National Anthem at a Colorado Eagles Hockey game. 
6. I currently make almost everything we eat from scratch, including, bread, tortillas, ice cream, hamburger buns, granola bars, baking mix, etc, etc, etc,....
7. Being with children gives me a smile inside and out. :)

Have a great evening, everyone! Hope you're enjoying the spring where ever you are.


  1. Hi Theo Ann, Thank you for the award. I'm glad you shared it with me because it gave me a chance to discover your blog- very special place! Thank you!

  2. I'd like to thank the academy...just kidding. Thanks, Theo. Sorry I haven't been around your blog much lately. Been working on house stuff after I get done at my job. I need to do some posting as well.

  3. Thanks for the award, Theo. It's fun to know someone is actually reading my silliness :-)
    I'll follow through by posting on my blog but I gotta figure out how to do the link thing. I'm so un-techie!

  4. First up, thank you so much for the awards! I am honored.

    Second, can you come to my house and organize me? It is a rare person who truly likes to organize and I get a hold of you and keep you to myself :D


    ps, my word verification is: messes :D

  5. Thanks so much for including me in your awards!


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