Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

Have you ever felt like life is so busy that you can't get everything done...including spending time reading God's Word? I think we've all been there at one time or another. We live in a fast-paced world that tells us that we need to have things and do things in order to survive.

I'm so thankful that I read the book, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, by Joanna Weaver. It shares what Christian women need to know about having true intimacy with God amidst the society pressures to be everywhere and do everything.

The book begins by sharing the story of sisters, Mary and Martha, who responded differently when Jesus came to visit. Martha busily moved around the house making sure things were ready while Mary sat at Jesus' feet listening and taking in every word. I think that most of us are more often like Martha; we are too busy moving about, that we don't stop and spend time with our Saviour. We forget to be like Mary, whom Jesus said had "chosen the better part." 

Having a deep relationship with the Lord is more important than being busy simply because the pressure is on us to be so. The author gives encouragement and insight on how to begin having intimacy with God so that it flows into loving service for Him and the people He places in our life. 

I highly recommend this book if you haven't read it yet. I'm sure you can find it at your local library and check it out like I did. Your heart will be encouraged and challenged. 


  1. That is a very good book I enjoyed that one very much also!! So true!! I just talked to my boys today about that subject. We are doing a study on bridling our tongues!! and we are learning that alot of what comes out of our mouths is from our hearts and if we are not spending enough time in the word and prayer our hearts are not where they should be in our walk with God...Hence then we tend to not be bridled either....but anyhow good stuff!! It is funny how sometimes we can convince ourselves that less is more with bible study but it never really works out does it. I have been really trying to spend more time in the word and in study also ~Thanks for sharing Blessings Love Heather

  2. so true, Heather! Thanks for the insight. What we put in is what comes out, so it's so important to keep spending time in God's Word a priority.


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