Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our weight loss competition: one month update

It's been a challenging month as Q and I have been working towards losing weight and feeling better. Thanks to those of you who have given tips and encouragement as we began this journey a month ago.

There are a few key things that I've done this past month to get me started. The first one is that I've pumped up my workout routine using a DVD I borrowed from the library called, "10 days to a better body" by Results fitness. There are two workout segments--one for upper body and one for lower body. Each workout has a mix of cardio and weight training. When I first started, it was hard to finish a workout, but these past couple weeks have been easier. I worked out 5-6 days a week, going back and forth between each workout.

I have started reading Gwen Shamblin's Weigh Down Diet again. I mentioned previously that this was a big help to me in the past. The principles of eating until you are satisfied and finding contentment in God (instead of food) have been good reminders to me each and every time I eat.

The last thing I've done is make better choices with eating. I haven't had too many desserts, but sometimes I will just have a couple pieces of candy or some sweetened yogurt to satisfy a craving.

So, you want to know how I've done? The picture doesn't show that I've lost 5 pounds, but it's a good reminder to me that I would like to look even better next month!

I weighed myself earlier in the week and was so excited that I went down from 164 to 159. I've been sick these past few days with the stomach bug, so I wouldn't be surprised if I've lost an extra pound or so! 

Quentin has been more careful with what he's been eating. I've been sharing some of the things that I've been learning from the book with him. He's added more walking to his weekly routine, too. Today he weighed himself and told me that he also lost 5 pounds--yahoo! I don't know about you, but it seems to me that guys have a much easier time losing weight than us women do.

Quentin has gone down from 217 pounds to 212 pounds. He's doing a great job, too. I'm super excited that we've begun well.

We'll keep you posted again next month on our weight loss competition! Who do you think is going to win?;)


  1. How Exciting!!! Great Job Guys Keep it up!! can't wait to see more posts on this ~May the Lord bless you both as you seek to be Healthy to serve Him Better! ~Blessings Love Heather

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, Heather!:)

  3. Good job-- it is always good to get confirmation from the scale. Remember, dont just go by the scale, but how your clothes feel also- you will be building muscle that will be replacing fat. Keep it up.

  4. Keep it up! It's is very hard work to lose weight. I know! I'm very much realizing how it's important to please God with our physical bodies. We Christians tend to neglect that sometimes and overlook the sin of gluttony.


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