Thursday, February 18, 2010

L is for Lost Son

This week in Kids' Bible Club our theme was "L is for Lost Son." We had an exciting time together as we learned the story and did activities to reinforce the lesson theme.

Bible time: The parable of the prodigal son is found in Luke 15:11-32. It's a wonderful story of love and forgiveness. After teaching the story, we learned the memory verse, which was the first part of Luke 15:24. It says, "For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found."

To review the verse, we played a game called, "Climb the Mountain" (another great idea from CEF). I drew a mountain on the white board, then wrote the first letter of each word beginning at the bottom of the mountain and going up. I only did part of the verse because I ran out of room. The kids practiced the verse over and over again, using the letters to help them. Once they could say it, I wrote their names inside of the flags on top of the mountain.

Craft time: The kids made a "Rejoice" pinata using a paper lunch sack, markers, stickers and fun stuff to fill it in. After they were done decorating it, they scrunched up some tissue paper and placed that inside. Then, they put in trinket toys, candy, money, and stickers to fill their pinata.

I tied a piece of red yarn so that it could be hung up easily. We didn't break it open that night. I told them to wait until someone in their family did wrong, then asked for forgiveness. When they did so, then everyone needed to forgive them and they could celebrate by breaking open the pinata.

Snack time: We ate cinnamon-sugar heart biscuits for our snack. They were delicious! Before baking them, I brushed melted butter on them and sprinkled a mix of cinnamon-sugar on top. The hearts reminded us that we need to show our love to others by forgiving them when they've done wrong to us. 

Next time...come back to hear about a man whose name begins with the letter "m." He was a great leader of the Israelites. Can you guess who he is?

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