Thursday, January 21, 2010

I is for Israelites

This week at Kids' Bible Club our theme was "I is for Israelites." Almost everything we did revolved around footprints.

Bible Time: We learned the story of Abraham and Sarah--how God gave them a child in their old age and how God's chosen people wandered in the desert for 40 years before arriving at the Promised Land. The memory verse was Isaiah 58:11a which says, "And the Lord shall guide thee continually." During our prayer time, we used the new prayer sheet my husband made up as a guide. Each of us prayed for things in our lives, along with praying for the pastor, our deacons, the families and children in our church, and our neighborhood.

For our review time, we played a race game with these footprints. I drew a road on the white board, then drew large stones from start to finish. I found these footprint cut-outs in a Bible game set I've had for a long time. There was some sticky tack on the backs of them, so they were easy to move along the game board. Every time Mieka or Skylar answered a question about our story, they got to move their footprint. I also had the verse written on the board and erased a word at a time, then used that as questions for the game. 

Craft time: We made these footprint posters for our craft. I made the one above as a sample for them to follow. The directions for this had the kids stepping in paint with their feet, then walking along a big piece of craft paper. I thought that was too messy, so we made footprints with our hands. Have you ever done this before? I showed them how to make a fist then dip it into paint to make the main part of the foot. Then, they used a finger dipped in paint to make the toes--so cute! They look like baby feet.

To get them started, I spread the paint color of their choice onto a sponge then showed them how to make their little feet. When they were done painting, they drew a road around it and wrote, "We are thankful to God. He is faithful to us."

Snack time: I made this trail mix for our snack. I used the following amounts of snack items to make 6-1/2 cups of the Israelites Trail Mix: 1/2 cup almonds, 1/2 cup peanuts, 1/2 cup chocolate chips, 1 cup pretzel sticks, 3 cups salted popcorn, 1 cup raisins. 

The kids got to put about three cups of mix in these bags. Then, they walked around the table a few times eating some of their snack, pretending they were on a journey just like God's chosen people. 

Next week...J is for a man in the Old Testament who persevered despite adversity. He is one of my favorite Bible characters. Come back to find out who he is!

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