Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter Blessings

It's been a while since I've written more details on how God is taking care of us here in Lafayette, CO. So, I've pulled out my list of praises from what's been happening these last couple of months.

I'm still in awe at all the wonderful things God is doing for us. Although many of these blessings are financial ones, I've put in a few that are not. I like recording how God is working in other areas of our lives as well. At times, I've been discouraged, but I hope that this list will continue to grow my faith in the Lord. I also pray that it will be a neat thing for both Q and I to look back on during these "early days" of our ministry at First Baptist Church. 

The list is longer than usual....are you ready?:)

1. A nice leather coat and meal was given to us by members of our church.

2. After Q asked for a few more hours at work, it bumped him up to full-time status, giving us great benefits, including a Sam's Club membership,  more economical health coverage at Kaiser (which began this month) and a discount at the local recreation center.

3. Q had a wonderful time hunting this year with two friends. Although he didn't shoot a deer this year, it was good for him to get away and relax. One of the guys ended up giving us some deer meat, too.

4. We've received several love offerings anonymously at church....wish I knew who to give a thank-you note to!

5. I received some canning jars from a member of our church to use next year when I really get into canning fruits and veggies.

6. I was able to get away and visit a friend in Fort Collins. I really enjoyed the encouraging visit--and I was given some bread and tea before I left.

7. My father-in-law took care of last month's Cobra payment--HUGE blessing!

8. Someone at church gave us 2 pheasants and some ground beef.

9. I had a 3-day job watching a little girl from church. Not only was it a blessing to her parents, but it gave me some fun times with her and extra cash for Christmas shopping.

10. I was able to sell a couple items on Craig's list.

11.  I began training for a volunteer job at the public library. I'll tell you more about it later...but let's just say that it is really my niche'. God is good!

12. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with two friends. Since Q had to work later in the day, they were able to celebrate at lunch time.

13. Q got an unexpected gift card to Wal-mart with one of his paychecks.

14. We received a love offering from the Mission's Committee from our last church. When we got it, I was again reminded that God knows our needs before we even ask Him. 

15. We had some friends over recently for dinner. They brought housewarming presents and some grain and flour for baking.

16. Q was asked to speak at a church in Loveland recently. The honorarium given was more than the "normal" amount and we couldn't believe it!

17. Q's vacation time was granted, so we get to go visit his parents, brother, and a nephew in Branson, Missouri for a few days after Christmas. Can't wait!!! I will share pictures of this trip after we return.

How is God working in your life? I would love to hear about it!:)


  1. That was a lovely list of blessings; I sure enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wonderful all the blessings you have to celebrate. We are full of praise in our home as well. We have a wonderful new home and our health to enjoy it and God has been just helping us every step of the way since we have been in here ~Thanks for sharing it was so encouraging ~Blessings Heather

  3. God is soooo good! Neat to read your blessings. By the way, I get to see your sister tomorrow night. I'm flying out to PA to visit Bekah before she heads to Japan and we are going to have dinner with them and Sandy Prue Gonzales and her family. Excited to catch up with them.

  4. Glad it encouraged you all! Let's keep on praising Him.:)


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