Monday, December 14, 2009

My Biography of God: an update

When I first wrote about my devotional called, My Biography of God, someone asked if I could give an update after I had been going through it for a while. So, here are some things I've been learning and what I've enjoyed so much about this book.

I just finished my 15th week today. Throughout these weeks I've learned some great attributes of God--His love, sovereignty, faithfulness, power, mercy, righteousness, and truth. Week 12 was a challenge as I had to write down what I need to change in my life according to what I already learned in the previous weeks. Then, I had to write down a plan to make that change....very thought provoking! This past week allowed me to fill in more blanks in my "Names of God" section.

When I first started this book, I thought that some aspects were very simple, but now that I've been at it for about four months now, it's been challenging and encouraging in several ways:

I love the fact that I read and focus on the same passage for a week. It's never the same each day with what God shows me and with what the book asks me to write down.

I love the fact that I'm memorizing Scripture each week and reviewing the previous ones constantly.

I love writing down praises more consistently now. It's great to look at them every few days because it reminds me that God is working in my life, as well in the lives of others around me.

I love writing down prayer requests, praying for them and seeing God work. I had once kept a prayer request/praise journal, but haven't done it in a long time until now. When someone shares a burden with me, I write it down right away and let them know that I'm praying for them. There's a place to write the date and a place to put a check mark when it's answered.

If you are still interested in purchasing My Biography of God, you can go here, then click on "store" to find it. I hope that what I shared was encouraging to you. It's so important to spend time in God's Word. It's also nice to have a guide to help you with a specific study. One of the verses I've memorized summarizes my goal as I learn about God--

"That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:10

Such an encouraging verse, eh? This is what our purpose as Christians should be--to glorify God in all we do and to learn more about Him.

I can't wait to tell you more about how God is working in my life through this devotional. Perhaps I'll share more in a few months. I pray that you all are spending time with the Lord and enjoying every minute of it!


  1. Thanks for your review. I bought two of these books last September to work on with my kids and have just dusted them off and cracked them open...

    Now I'm contemplating buying two more for my husband and me. Will this work as a family study?

    Ellen M

  2. Hi Ellen! So glad you've purchased the books for your kids and that you're thinking about buying these for you and your husband. Even though it's been three years since I've gone through the book, I still think it's wonderful and I'd like to do it again.

    As for it working as a family study...I've not done it this way yet, since our girls are very young. So, my suggestion is this: meet once a week to talk about what you all are learning individually. Have a prayer time with it and now you have family devotions.:) Hope this helps!


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