Saturday, December 12, 2009

Church Christmas Party

Last night, Q and I attended our first Christmas party at First Baptist Church. We enjoyed the night with new friends--singing carols, eating good food, and playing games.

After our meal, Q gave a short devotional that set the tone for the evening. Then, he and a couple other men dressed up as the wise men and led us all in the singing of, "We Three Kings." 

The tables were lined with festive wrapping paper. Centerpieces like this were placed on the tables. This gold one happened to be near us, but there were others which were white plants or brightly decorated green trees. These ended up being door prizes at the end of our time together. 

One of the games we played was a candy jar guessing game. There were actually two things we had to guess with this game. The first was to guess how many pieces of candy there were, and the second was to guess the hidden object inside the jar. The object inside was another jar filled with candy, so it was hard to figure out the total number! There ended up being over 200 pieces of candy.

To start off our gift exchange, we were each given a numbered wooden ball. Q and I had high numbers, so by the time it was our turn, there weren't a lot of gifts left on the table. But--we could look around and choose someone else's gift if we wanted to. We both ended up getting something from the table. Q's gift was a gold-sequin pine cone ornament, and I received a couple Christmas hand towels, candle and cute snowflake ornament.

Before my number was up, Q kept telling me to take this popcorn tin from Ann. I just couldn't. She had already taken it from someone else, and I didn't want to take it from her. I told her later to hold onto that tin real tight, because Q wanted it so badly! He was okay with not getting it because I think what he really wanted to do was tease Ann!:)

We are looking forward to many more fun events like this one in our new church. How have your Christmas programs and parties been going? Let's not forget the real reason we celebrate--Jesus is the reason for the season! 

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