Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So thankful...

At this time of year, we're all being reminded to give thanks. But why do we sometimes wait until this season to do so? God wants us to give thanks to Him on a regular basis in all things. Even through hard times, we must look to God and give him thanks that He is working in that specific situation.

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thessalonians 5:18

We can say we are thankful for family, friends, church, home, food, a job, and so forth, but what I've been specifically reminded about is the fact that we must give thanks to God for all those things. The pilgrims surely did! 

When everyone was seated, Governor Bradford began to pray: "Thank you, Lord, for sending Squanto to us," he prayed. "We know that Your hand has been on him through all of his trials, and that You have prepared him to be our guide and our friend in a time of great need. Squanto is Your living answer to our tears and prayers."
(taken from the book, Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving, by Eric Metaxas)

So keep your focus on the Lord, not only in this season, but throughout the days of your life. Remember that He is the One who has given us salvation through His son, Jesus Christ, and daily provides for our needs. We serve an awesome God!

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy." I Timothy 6:17

Well, off to make a couple pies for tomorrows feast! Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving--and remember to thank the Lord for His goodness to you this year.


  1. Hi Theo and Quentin, Happy Thanksgiving to you both! Buddy is off to work till 5pm and then we are going over to his parents house for supper. I am watching the Macy's Day parade, I enjoy seeing the floats I remember as a kid like Tom the turkey and Snoopy!


  2. For years I had much difficulty with my own family members and I did not speak to them often (unless in a disagreement) or want to be around them. Why? Because I felt like I did not have my own individuality and I felt like I was being judged as if everything I did, said and believed in was wrong. As if I was not measuring up to what was expected of me. For ex: who my friends were (were they family approved?), whether I went to church all the time (was it the right church and did I go each time the door squeaked?), was I witholding a christian image to not make my family look bad (did I go to the right establishement or oh my gosh you went to a beach where people don't wear a snowsuit all covered up;) )
    , whether or not I was giving gifts to all my neices and nephews and were they the correct ones that they wished for (we didn't have that kind of money), whether to have children or not and why.


  3. All of these issues and more I felt like I was being controlled and if I didn't do everything perfect then because of me, I ruined the family. All of it to me was image. So I didn't go to church for years, I did not care what my family thought or what others thought. Yes I held a lot of anger and bitterness because of all of this and yes my life was not as happy as it could have been. But during that time I learned who I was, a child of God, and I learned that it 100% does not matter what others think of me and not to care. To only care what God thinks of me and if I am doing what He wants me to say and do. I had to find out what my purpose was in life and what God wanted me to do. Not going to church helped me to not look down my nose and judge people for being different. Everyone is different a individual. Freedom comes from realizing that when I get to Heaven I am going to only stand before God not family. At the same time I had to learn how to forgive and ask for forgiveness because I would never want to hurt someone with my words especially, and actions where it caused them to not do their purpose in life, what they were created to do, to bring God glory. I learned why I would want to go to church and that is to have fellowship with other people who love God too! So that I don't feel all alone in the world. Then I realize that is why God made families so that a person has a feeling of belonging and receive love.


  4. I am not sure if any of this makes sense but if you are Theo's family member and you are reading this right now I hope that this helps you. There is freedom in forgiveness of the cross of Jesus and accepting His forgivness of your sins and of forgiving others who have hurt you in your life. When you bless those praying for those who have hurt you then that is true forgiveness. Start out small with a phone call or a letter. Later a visit in person. Stay on casual subjects and if you don't agree then instead of arguing just let it go and keep living your life to God's glory.


  5. The biggest thing I have learned with others is to accept them for who they are and for where they are at in life with unconditional love. Not conditional love based upon expectations whether they measure up or not according to my rules and standards. Today I am close again to my family, not that I agree with them on everything. I want to love them and give back to them in service showing them I am so thankful to be apart of my family and so thankful that God put us all together. I was the one who made the move and asked for forgiveness for my attitude and no, not everyone in my family admitted that they were wrong too. The street goes both ways. But because God died on the cross and forgave all mankind for past, present and future sins, who am I not to forgive. How can I go to God with my request if I hold unforgiveness in my heart, I have come to realize that God is not listening to me when I am like that. I want to be blessed by God and so today I do have joy and I am doing my purpose all because of the power of the cross because I have learned that I am not a victim of my past but a Victor and can do all things through Jesus Christ who is now the Lord of my life.


  6. I have learned that when I speak to make sure its only words of edification and encouragement. I realized that my family was trying to create a close bond. That they were there for me and trying to reach out to me. But we all can't be like each other because we are indivuals. I have learned to use my tongue to give praise to my family and to say well done then to nit pick apart what they do that is wrong. Its better to be to merciful then to judgemental. I have learned to is how I treat others the way I in return would want to be treated and this to changed my life, mostly because whatever wrong I did dish out to others believe you me I got it back worse and so I got tired of that. Really I learned how to be a giver and to stop being so selfish. Living is giving and forgiving and if you make this "your law" then you will find much joy. Just be yourself, that is freedom as well.

  7. Thanks for your encouraging words, Christina. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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