Friday, November 13, 2009

My first "blogaversary" and a giveaway!!

This weekend marks one year for me in the blogging world. To celebrate, I'm having a giveaway! Thanks to all of you for making this year a lot of fun for me. You've encouraged me, made me laugh, and shared some of your favorite creative tips.

I started "Outside the Box!" during a time when I was having some health issues. Although I'm doing a lot better, it continues to help my focus be on serving the Lord and others with the talents He's given me. I hope I've encouraged you to do the same.

Here's what I've made to give away to one of you:

These dark red and chocolate brown leaf coasters were fun to make. I did reverse applique on all four of them. For the give away, I'll include another set of four, so that you'll have a red top and a brown top for each kind of leaf. You can keep them all for yourself, or give half of them to a friend this Thanksgiving. Along with that, you can give them a book put out by Tyson foods called, Giving Thanks at Mealtimes. I'll include two so that you'll have one for yourself. In it are pictures and pages full of prayers. There's even a small postcard you can detach to order more of these books for free!

This is how you can enter the giveaway:

1. Write me a comment on this post sharing your favorite Thanksgiving memory or creative tip for the holidays. If you don't have a blog, sign in as "anonymous" and make sure you sign your name at the end of your comment.

2. For a second entry, tell others about my giveaway on your blog. Tell me this on a second comment to this post. Make sure you tell your readers what the items are and when the give away ends....which leads me to the next thing--

3. This give away ends on Tuesday, November 17 at 9 a.m. Mountain time. Soon after that, Q will help me with drawing a name out of the hat and we'll announce the winner. If you're outside the northern Colorado area, I will ship it to you that same day so that you'll have it in time for Thanksgiving. If you're in my area, I can arrange a place and time to meet.

Thanks to all of my faithful readers and followers for a wonderful year! Now, leave me some happy comments!


  1. Wonderful Giveaway!! Love your crafting and blogging Happy Anniversary ~Blessings Heather ;D

  2. Yay! I love giveaways! I love giving things away too! My favorite Thanksgiving is every year that the holiday falls on my mom's birthday. It just makes it that much more special.
    Blessings to you both,

  3. Don't enter me in the give-away. I just want to say congrats on a year and I enjoy staying connected with you. I'm trying to pack and down-size instead of getting more stuff. Love ya, Theo!

  4. Just like everyone else, I love a giveaway! My favorite Thanksgiving tradition/memory is being with family & my grandma always insisting that we each name something we are thankful for as we are all seated around the dinner table. It's a great time to thank the Lord together as a family.

  5. Theo, I just announced your giveaway on my blog for a 2nd entry :-)

  6. My birthday (11/28) falls shortly after Thanksgiving and I always asked my Mom to make me a pumpkin pie for my birthday because I never got enough on Thanksgiving. I remember stealing pieces of the turkey skin off the turkey while it was waiting to be carved. I enjoyed all of my family around the table so thankful that we were all still alive and so highly blessed. I don't have a blog anymore so I can't post your giveaway. My favorite craft is carving out little pumpkins and either using them as a vase to hold wildflowers or as a candle holder to beautify the table setting. Thank you Theo for your blog, I remember when I first starting reading it, I thought to myself if only I was as close to God in my spiritual walk as you are. I've since learned that it starts with a thankful and content heart and also to always give God praise in all things because it is He that is awesome. Your blog uplifts God and helps us women to be better wives loving our husband and using our talents to serve God so that others may know Him and how much He loves us. Happy Thanksgiving Theo and Quentin!

  7. I don't know if it's too late to leave a comment or not, but my favorite Thanksgiving memory is my entire family celebrating Thanksgiving at my grandparents house. Sitting at the kids table with my aunt and uncle was always an adventure.


I love receiving comments on my blog. If you have ideas that correlate with my latest post and it can be of help to others, please share them.