Saturday, November 7, 2009

The long-awaited date, part 1

With the busyness of moving, unpacking, working and getting settled into our new ministry, Q and I did not have a summer vacation this year. So, we decided to do something during a day this fall that would be fun and relaxing for both of us.

After sleeping in yesterday morning, we ate our breakfast and read our Bibles. After this relaxing quiet time, we got ready for our date. We went to Santiago's, a Mexican restaurant in town. We each ate a burrito and Q had a few small cheese enchiladas.

Then, we drove to downtown Longmont and went to some neat shops. We spent most of our afternoon at a used bookstore. Notice anything different about my Q? Yup--he's got a beard now. He started growing it out before his hunting trip. Some guys like growing one out for the winter, but Q said that his is here to stay. I'm not quite used to it yet, especially cuz' it's still pricking my face when he kisses me! ;)

After our afternoon stroll around town, we stopped at Ziggi's Coffee House for some treats.

Q had some coffee while I enjoyed a scoop of chocolate gelato--yum! I'm not a coffee drinker, although I've tried it several times. Q said that someday when I grow up, I'll enjoy coffee, too. Flavored hot chocolate or an ice cold green tea are my favorite drink choices.

After taking a few pictures, Q got this shot of me! He was cracking me up, so I'm glad that my mouth wasn't open just then. You would have seen a lot of gelato coming down my face...

So, how did we enjoy our evening? Find out in part 2 of "the long-awaited date"!


  1. I like your glasses. They look really good on you!

  2. Thanks, Erin. Still getting used to them as I've been wearing contacts for so many years!


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