Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Biography of God

There's a devotional book that I've wanted for over a year, and Q recently surprised me with it. He bought us both one so that we could record things about God in the days ahead in our new ministry.

It's called My Biography of God, by Sam Brock and it published by Iron Sharpeneth Iron Publications (a ministry of Ironwood Christian Camp). It is a year-long study designed to help us each draw closer to God by getting to know Him. We have been doing this for a few weeks already and we're enjoying it immensely. Each week has a different topic and portion of Scripture; questions to answer; a few sections on attributes of God to fill out; prayer requests and praises to record; and a passage to memorize. You can go here to read more about this great book and to purchase it.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a creative and challenging way to get to know God better. I am already thinking about the neat things I will have recorded a year from now. Each day, I'm excited to read and record thoughts about my wonderful Lord.

"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made comformable unto his death;"  Philippians 3:10


  1. Post again after you've been using it for a while -- I'm very interested! It sounds like something my husband and I might like to do starting in the new year....

  2. I love journaling this book looks like a wonderful way to encourage this enjoy!~Blessings Heather

  3. yes, I'll keep you posted on how it's going. I'm really enjoying it.:)

  4. This looks really interesting. I have a stack of other books I need to do first, but I'll put this on my list.


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