Thursday, October 22, 2009

C is for Creation

We had another great time in our Wednesday night kids' club learning a story from God's Word. This week we did "C is for Creation."

Bible Time: Little Folk Visuals have these awesome flannel graph circles to tell the Creation story. We talked about what God made each day, then I taught the kids Genesis 1:1 which says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." I did the simple game where you erase one or two words at a time on the board, then repeat the verse to learn it. Because they said last week's verse word perfect, I gave them each a "high-five" pencil.

Table time: We are loving the fun reproducible worksheets that go along with the lessons. Schuyler and Mika both enjoyed using the pencils I gave them to write their names on their papers. Then, they were to only color the things on the sheet that God made.

Craft time: To go along with the theme of things God made, we made these cute caterpillars using egg cartons. I painted them before we met, then we put googly eyes and sparkly pipe cleaners for antennae. We used markers to decorate the rest of the body. 

Snack time: We made a "creation salad" using some fruit. You could also do a veggie salad, but I thought that the kids would enjoy putting together one with fruit. I put apple chunks, banana slices, mandarin oranges and shredded coconut each in its own bowl. If you want to get more elaborate, just add more fruit like grapes, mango, and pineapple.

The salad was sweet, but oh, so good! 

Next week is the letter D. Can you think of a Bible character that has a name that begins with that letter? There's more than one, so take a guess!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Ideas ~what a blessing your little group is looks like so much fun ~Heather ;D


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