Tuesday, September 1, 2009

He knows our needs before we ask Him

The Lord has reminded me of the verse that says,

"For your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him." Matthew 6:8b

Since leaving our last ministry a couple of weeks ago, we have seen God continue to provide for our needs. Here's a list of things that He has been doing for us that I just had to share with all of you!

1. At the reception our last church gave us, we received many cards with money and a gift card. It was an overwhelming amount that brought me to tears. 

2. We received a Kohl's gift card in the mail and were able to get two articles of clothing, one for each of us.

3. A friend of ours took Q to help him get my car fixed (it's been down all summer!). They came back with a free car battery and now I'm good to go!

4. I spent part of a day with a friend of mine and her little boys at their house. We talked about grain mills and I told her how Q and I would like to get one some day. Next thing you know, she's pulling out an extra grain mill she had and said I could have it! She sent me home with this awesome grain mill, two loaves of bread and some grain to get me started.

5. Our new church took care of a couple meals and gave Q an honorarium when he filled in for the head pastor. It was for a Sunday that we agreed to help in before Q took the position of assistant pastor.

6. Q had a temporary job for a week and we are grateful for any bit of work he can get.

7. We just found out that our house utilities will be taken care of by the new church. We'll be moving into the parsonage next week and we're excited about this as well as the cleaning, painting and perhaps new carpeting going in this week by the church members.

I'm sure there will be more blessings along the way during these early days in our new ministry. I'm keeping a list to help me remember that God is good all the time. I'll share more in the days ahead.

Our God is good, isn't He? There is no need to fret or worry about things because He already knows what we need. I'm always amazed at even the blessings He gives before we even ask Him.

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."  Ephesians 3:20-21


  1. What a lovely post! Too often we're grateful but forget to record God's provisions in order to remind ourselves later.

    Hubby and I are definitely looking to the Lord at present with increased expenses and decreased income (like a 2 month "furlough" without pay), so it was encouraging to read your update. :)

  2. I'm so glad, Lizzy! It was great hearing from you. I miss your blog. I trust all is going well for you.

  3. That is so awesome! I'm excited for you guys. I'm sure you have a long road ahead to get settled in, but I know the God that is going to equip you to get it all done.

  4. Thanks for sharing all of this. It is so great to hear how the Lord is taking care of you. Wow the grain mill is such a blessing. I am anxious to hear how you like that.

  5. Thanks, Tania and Erin. I will keep everyone posted on how things continue to go with our new ministry.


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