Friday, September 18, 2009

Getting down to the last few days....

While Q has been working on the parsonage with the rest of the crew, I've been catching up on things at home. We had hoped to move in tomorrow, but it will not happen until next Saturday. I'm at the library writing this post because of the lack of internet access at home. Last week, Quentin asked the company to switch things to the new house today. Q called the company this morning to let them know of the change, but I've not been able to get online. So, we'll just see what happens.

We're getting down to the wire, folks. Can't wait to be in the new place. While things are busy, know that I haven't forgotten all of you! I've got more ideas and projects in the works, so stay tuned.

On a really good note, we have heard that there is someone interested in buying our condo. Pray that this is the right person. It seems like the perfect time, too. As we're moving out, they can be moving right in. God knows what is best and we're trusting Him for the outcome.

All for now! We'll be heading down to Lafayette tomorrow morning and staying the weekend. There are more things to be done down there and I'll have my camera ready to capture all the action. Thanks for your prayers during our big move. Pray that all goes well next weekend.:)


  1. I am praying that this is perfect person to buy your condo. That would be perfect!

  2. Praying everything works out according to Gods plans for you guys!! good luck with your move can't wait to see pictures of you guys all settled in! blessings Heather :D

  3. I will pray about the timing of your condo selling! Moving is such a HUGE's hoping it all goes well!

  4. I'm sure you will be very happy in your new home.

  5. Thanks, everyone! Just a couple more days and then the un-packing begins.;/ The house is looking really good and it's just about done. Will post pictures asap.


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