Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Teen Camp, part 2

There was a lot of team spirit going on all week long. Take a look at these guys....

Colin, Matt and Garrett made capes out of a green-checkered tablecloth to support their green team--Safari. 

Besides playing games and saying memory verses, another way they could earn points for their team was to sing in the choir. Every day after lunch, they practiced a song, then sang it that evening in the service.

The last competition is called "The Quest." It is a clue-type scavenger hunt. At each location, every member of each team has to participate in an activity before receiving the next clue and going to the next location. At the final destination, each team has to choose an envelope that has a point value inside. This year's winner was the Expedition!

One of our teens, Abigail, enjoyed signing her name on the Quest cup. Each member of the Expedition signed the cup with pride.

At the end of the week, Q got all of the youth pastors and their wives together to take a picture. I thought it was a fun thing to do and remember. Three of us couples have been doing this for the four years that we've had camp at Silver State. Pastor Matt (second from the left) has been the camp director for this and has done a fabulous job every year! 

We praise the Lord for the decisions that the teens made during camp. There was a great spirit overall and we had fun with them for our last year with them. Praise the Lord!


  1. Hi Theo is that Matt Theis? I went to BRR with him in 99'!!
    We were both counselors that summmer, pretty cool, tell him hello from me, thanks!!
    Have a awesome day!!
    Love always

  2. Yes, that's Matt Teis, but he lives in Las Vegas, so we won't be able to give him a hello for ya. I just sent you an e-mail with his church info. Talk to ya later!


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