Friday, August 14, 2009

Grocery Challenge update: week 4

Q and I finished All You's grocery challenge earlier this week. We did great, having only spent $25.62 for the week. The food we bought was for a get-together with friends, and we ended up going out to eat on Sunday. We go to an assisted living home once a month, so we usually go out to eat with the teens that join us.

And now for the grand total for the four weeks: $93.85!!! That's less than half of what we were allowed to spend for the two of us. If we had not had food out a couple times, it would have been much lower than that.

We have learned that we can eat healthy, be creative and save money on groceries every month. This challenge motivated me to bake more things (and freeze some of it) to make our supply stretch even more. Our garden helped us out immensely. And--having friends over (and them having us over) for meals was a great blessing! God does provide for our needs in unique ways at times.

I'm about to submit my final comments for this contest, and I can't wait to hear if I've made it to the top 10. Wouldn't it be awesome to win a thousand dollars for groceries?

I'll keep you all posted on how I do....

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