Thursday, July 23, 2009

Packing 101: boxing up lots more stuff!

Last week, 23 more boxes were packed away! I've taken a break this week, but will have to get back into it soon. Q and I hope to get more boxes tonight.

This new load included:

Videos, DVD's, cassette tapes, most of our CD collection (80 of them--we love music!), kitchen decorations, kitchen gadgets not being used, a few framed prints, knick-knacks, magazines, Christmas decorations, fall and winter coats, photo boxes, yearbooks, Q's sporting goods (he helped pack two boxes), a few miscellaneous items and my music books.

Adding my 99 music books plus 19 yearbooks to our already packed 545 books brings us to a total of 663 books!!! And, we still have more, too. Because of our showings, we've had to leave some on our three bookshelves so that they don't look so bare. I also couldn't bare packing our cookbooks yet, either. 

So far, the packing hasn't been too overwhelming. Doing things gradually is good. It's also been great to be able to take things to church to get out of the way. It's been a lot easier to live without having to trample over lots of boxes!

Next time....more miscellaneous stuff, crafting supplies, and more books to pack (of course!) If I come across any packing tips along the way, I'll share those as well.

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