Friday, July 31, 2009

It's official!

Quentin met with Pastor Kemper today to let him know that we've decided to be a part of First Baptist Church. Q will be his assistant until he retires in January. Then we will be the new pastor and pastor's wife of the church. Exciting! Our last Sunday here is on August 16, then we will begin commuting to Lafayette for services.

We are excited with how the Lord has orchestrated this big event in our lives. I know He will continue to guide us and give us wisdom in the days ahead. Here are some prayer requests that we're asking everyone to pray for during his transition time.

1. Continued strength and focus to finish our ministry here with excellence.
2. That our condo will sell within the next few weeks, as we can move into the parsonage in Lafayette at the beginning of September.
3. That we'll have enough time and energy to finish up the packing at our place and in Q's office.
4. That Q will be able to find a part-time job as things will be very tight for us starting out in a small church.
5. That we'll bond quickly with the folks at First Baptist Church, and that Q will learn much during these next few months on how to run a church.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it. Psalm 52:9


  1. Very exciting PTL .....may the Lord continue to bless you and your husband on your new journey together as you step out bodly in faith!! ~Blessings Heather

  2. Hi Theo and Q
    I am so very happy for you both
    I know that God has so many blessings ahead for you
    I will continue to pray daily for you both
    Theo you are so very special to me and thank you for sharing your lives on this encouraging blog of yours, I hope that you will always find time to continue your ministry of this blog here, for daily I view your posts
    You Theo are such a blessing to me
    p.s. Buddy and I finished that chapter "the blue cup", its on our blog now
    p.s.s. how far is it to commute from Ft. Collins to your new future home/church?

  3. thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement, ladies.:) Christina--Lafayette is about an hour away from Fort Collins. I'm so glad that we get to stay in Colorado.

  4. Yay I am so happy for you guys. We will be praying for you both. Thanks so much for lunch. We enjoyed it and were encouraged. (-:

  5. Very exciting news! I'll be praying for your transition.

  6. We are so happy for you and can't wait to hear what the Lord has for you in Lafayette. If I already commented here, ignore me. I couldn't remember and wanted to be sure I did. (-:

  7. Thanks Tania and Erin for your prayers and encouragement. We'll keep you posted on our transition.:)

  8. So exciting to hear! I'll pray all goes well in your transition time.

  9. Thanks, Tracie. I'll definitely keep you posted.


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