Monday, July 20, 2009

Could this be our new church?

It may very well be. Quentin and I spent the entire day yesterday in Lafayette, CO. It is just forty minutes away from here, so the traveling time wasn't bad at all. We left at eight-thirty and arrived a few minutes after nine at First Baptist Church. The church is over one hundred years old. I love the look of it, don't you?

The pastor and his wife are gone for a conference, so Q was asked to speak for both services. We have met with the Kemper's a few times already to talk about the possibility of us coming to be a part of their church. Pastor Kemper has been the pastor for over forty years and is looking to retire soon. The set-up would be that Q would be his assistant for a few months, then take on the church full-time in January. We have been praying about this for a while now. It would be such a neat opportunity for us if this is where God leads.

We had an enjoyable time with the people. Less than one hundred attend regularly, and a big percentage of them are seniors. Q preached and I sang in the morning service. We ate lunch with some of the folk at Chili's. It was great getting to know them. In the afternoon, we stayed at one of the older ladies' homes (who's actually the grandma of our church secretary here). For the evening service, we both shared our testimonies and Q preached again. 

We felt like everything went so well, so we're continuing to pray before we meet with Pastor Kemper again. As we pray, I'm continuing to pack and clean for the showings we've been having. We really need to sell our condo soon. I've hardly done any crafting, so whenever I get the chance, I'll show you some things I'm working on.

Will you pray with us as we seek God about moving to Lafayette and becoming a part of First Baptist Church?


  1. Wow very exciting! Praying for you guys that God will give you wisdom and discernment for the decisions you need to make ~Blessings Heather

  2. Thanks for your prayers. We'll keep you all posted on our final decision.:)


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