Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vacation Bible School: Day 1

Last night, we began this year's VBS. Some of the kids arrived early and had big smiles on their faces when they walked into the room. I have only a few pictures to show you and they are mostly of the center time. I'll try to get more pictures of some of the different parts of the program during the week. Since yesterday was the first day and I'm running it, it was a challenge to take lots of pictures...but I'll try to take more tonight!

The girls worked on coloring their little "racers" to go on the race track on the mural. When they were done with that, they colored a picture of China's flag. I was able to get coloring sheets from Crayola.com. They've got a huge selection of crafts and coloring sheets, suitable for any kids' activity.

This is Benjamin with one of our leaders, Miss Katie. The boys got to play with play-doh or look at books. Each kid gets to keep their bag of play-doh at the end of the week. I had the leaders write their name on their bag so that we can keep track of it. 

When the girls were done coloring, they went to the missionary corner with me. They really enjoyed playing with my nesting dolls and playing with the rice bucket. I'll rotate the girls and the boys so that they can be at each station at least two times during the week.

After the center time, it was time for our opening assembly. I'll write down what we did for each part of the program. 

6:15-6:30 registration/check-in
6:30-6:40 center time
6:40-6:55 opening assembly: welcome, songs, and Bible memory time
6:55-7:10 Bible story time
7:10-7:25 snacks/bathroom break 
7:25-7:45 game time (On this day, we played a game called, "beans in the bucket." It was a relay race to see which team could fill their buckets with the beans the fastest.)
7:45-7:55 missionary story (This day's story was on the life of Isobel Kuhn, missionary to China.)
7:55-8:20 craft time (This craft went along with the missionary story--rice shakers!)
8:20-8:30 closing assembly: songs, puppet skit, prizes and closing prayer

My craft helper, Miss Rachel, made this sample rice shaker to show the kids before we had them make their own. We used toilet paper tubes, rice and cellophane to make these. They were pre-made before last night. What we had the kids do was color a yellow sheet of paper and place a couple stickers on it. The leaders helped them secure the paper on with tape. When they were done, they had a blast making music with these shakers!

Next time...day 2 of VBS!

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