Monday, June 29, 2009

Teen Singspirations

We enjoy our teen singspirations very much! We have them several times during the year. We divide the teens by having some singspirations just for the jr. high and others for the high school. Teen parents get involved by hosting them in their homes. They provide a meal, then we share testimonies and sing praises to God.

Last night, Q and I hosted a jr. high singspiration in our small condo. We had quite the crew--12 of them plus our intern, all trying to squeeze into our living room. We ate pizza, chips and cake (all super foods for very hungry teenagers!). Quentin had each of them pick a song to sing and he asked for testimonies between songs. He ended our time together with an encouragement from God's Word. This is always a neat time for fellowship, as well as a good time to honor and praise God with our voices.

When I was a teen, our church would host these after an evening service. Sometimes, we had them church-wide. I've even heard of town-wide "hymn-sings." Isn't that awesome? Do any of you participate in things like this?

One of my favorite passages about singing is found in Psalm 104:33-34:

"I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord."

Isn't it true that when we sing of the Lord, we fill our minds with thoughts of Him? So, go ahead--sing away! It doesn't matter how good of a voice you have. God's Word  says to "make a joyful noise." Sing a hymn, a verse or your favorite Sunday School song. Do some extra singing during your family devotions, before a meal, or while you clean. The key is to just praise God with your voice.

He's waiting to listen....

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