Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Garden: the wildflower update

The wildflower seeds that we planted are growing more and more all the time. We've had a mixture of rain and sun lately--so wonderful for growing plants.

I can't wait to see what happens with these flowers. Right now they are nothing but green stems and lots of leaves.

I wanted to show you these growing plants, but the real reason for this post is to show you something else that's been lurking around my garden...

I have seen this same squirrel a few times hanging around our place. When I had the tomato plants in the pots, I caught him digging dirt in one of them! This picture of him rubbing his belly on the fence is just too funny! I'm glad that the tomato plants are in our friend's garden, but I still have to be careful. I don't want him getting into my beautiful strawberry plant. Yikes!


  1. Nice to see your garden blooming~ And your squirrel friend....Hopefully he won't dig up all your pretty plants ~Blessings Heather

  2. I hope the squirrel doesn't come back...or else! (just kidding, of course!)


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