Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I was featured!

I knew it was going to happen soon.

You want to know what it is?

Well, I was featured for the third time in All You Magazine! I sent in a tip a few months back and they liked it. They told me in an e-mail that it would be featured in their July issue. I signed up to be a "reality checker" a couple years ago, so I get e-mails every now and then that ask several questions. I answer whatever I can and see if it will get published.

My tip and picture are on page 21. The article is called, "Slash your grocery bills in half." I wrote about how I make mixes and staples in my kitchen to save money.

This is the cover of the issue which is available now for purchase at your nearest Wal-mart! What I enjoy about the magazine is that it has tips for lots of areas of your life. From recipes, to saving money, to health and beauty, this magazine has it all!  And it's cheap, too! Even if you use only a couple of the coupons inside, you'll probably pay for the cost of it--and maybe more. Sign up to be a reality checker and you'll also get a surprise package in the mail around Christmas time. 

I've been thinking about writing a post about things we've been doing to save money, and I will definitely write my tip that I gave All You Magazine. Be on the lookout....


  1. Oh how cool is that! Your Famous....If I get the magazine I will have to mail it to you so you can autograph it !!~ You do have really fabulous tips ~Blessings Heather

  2. I just got that issue in the mail yesterday! Haven't look at it yet, but I will soon...congrats!

  3. I thought that was you! Congratulations!!!

  4. so awesome Theo, so very proud of you, you have lots to share to help lots of people, thanks for doing this blog for all of us to learn

  5. Thanks, ladies. And Heather--I will sign it for you if you really want me to. ;)


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