Saturday, June 6, 2009

Color sorting with Jaeden

I got a call from a friend this week needing some help. She was assisting with a volleyball camp all week, so she needed someone to watch her boy, Jaeden for one of the days. I volunteered to watch this three-year-old all day. 

He brought along his toy cars to play with and that entertained him for quite a bit. We played with dominoes, watched a movie--and then he said, "what's that?" He pointed to the sewing machine. Two different times during the day, he wanted to do some stitching with me. We did some fun decorative stitches on scrap material. I even let him hold down the presser foot and he thought that was neat.

He went back to playing with his cars while I worked on making bread and doing some hand-stitching. He came back to me and asked me if he could play with my mini spools of thread from a sewing kit. I let him play with them, but then thought of something else--buttons!

What could be more fun than buttons? I pulled out some bowls and showed him how to sort them by color. He got confused at times with the tan, dark brown and white buttons, eventually putting them all into the same bowl. He loved this! Jaeden is the type of kid that likes to organize things, so this was the perfect learning activity for him. 

After lunch, it was time for a nap. He didn't want to go down. Q was home for a bit, so he read to him and then they both fell asleep on the big recliner. It was too cute! After they woke up, Q returned to work and I took Jaeden to the park.

Before his mom came to pick him up, we spent some time out in our back porch area. One by one, he zoomed his cars along and formed them into this line. His mom says that he lines things up all the time. I went to take a picture of the cars, and he jumped in to get his picture taken. 

Isn't he cute?


  1. Oh what a Cutie ~Great Idea...I loved digging into my grandma's button jar when I was little ~Blessings :-)

  2. Yes, he is one cute little boy. He didn't want to leave when his mom came to get him. She said that was a good thing because he had fun at our place. Maybe I can watch him again this summer.:)


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