Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The treasure God gave to me

Three years ago today, God gave me a treasure when he gave me Quentin to be my husband. I'm so thankful for the years we've had already and look forward to having many more with my Q.

I was becoming an older single lady thinking that I'd never get married when Quentin came into my life. He was our summer intern in the summer of 2004, then became the youth pastor that fall. I was a youth sponsor at church and the kindergarten teacher at the school, so it became easy for us to become friends. Believe me--that's all I wanted. But then, the Lord had other plans and I found myself doing everything with my new best friend. We were engaged six months later in August of 2005.
Quentin wanted a Christmas wedding, but I thought that was too rushed. We settled for a beautiful May wedding. The timing was perfect for our families to be there, including his brother, who spends most of his summer photographing weddings. We were thankful for all the help that we received for our special day. The ceremony and reception went very well. Everything about it was just perfect in our eyes.

Since high school, I prayed that the guy God had for me would be the only one I would date, thus saving myself in every way. I also prayed that he would be in the ministry, because I already knew that's where God was leading me into. The kiss you see is our very first one! We held hands once we were engaged, but decided to wait for this special moment. We are both glad that we had never kissed anyone else and that we saved this first one for the day we became husband and wife. After the kiss, I said, "wow!". Our pastor made a comment about it afterwards which made all the guests laugh.

I am very blessed indeed to have a husband who loves me unconditionally. He is an amazing man!  I choose to love and honor him every day.

There's never a dull moment when Q is around. He is witty and adventurous--completely my opposite! Most importantly, he loves the Lord. He encourages me in my walk with God and with ministry. 

So thankful God brought us together....


  1. Wow that was a really sweet post. I love when you wrote you choose to love and honor him. All young ladies need to be reminded of that before and during marriage. (-: Your wedding pictures are so beautiful.

  2. Thanks, Tania. I decided to write that comment about choosing to love your husband because of the fact that we all need to be reminded of it. You're right in the fact that young gals don't always remember (or know) this when they begin their marriage. Our world is so full of other ideas when it comes to love and submission. Well, have a great day! Talk to ya later.

  3. Theo you are just radiantly beautiful in those photos and Quentin is a handsome man. I am so glad that God brought Quentin to you! God has truly blessed you Theo with your faithfulness to Him. Every photo that you post, every word that you write brings glory to Jesus, I am so blessed to have had the priveledge of being your roommate in Ft. Collins and that you choose to be my friend today. Thank you Theo!

  4. I love how your wedding day was both of your first kiss ever! Not many people can say that including Buddy and I. So very special and truly a gift from God!


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