Monday, May 25, 2009

Our anniversary get-away

Quentin and I returned from our overnight trip to Estes Park earlier this evening. We had a great time! After church last night, we headed up to the mountains for a fun get-away. We got some much needed rest and slept in this morning. While I got ready for the day, Q went to a grocery store and picked up some fruit and pastries for our breakfast.

The town was hosting a craft fair, so we decided to look around for a while. I especially loved these bracelets which were made from telephone wire. They were so neat looking.

Estes Park is full of whimsical shops and restaurants. We wanted something sweet, so we bought this huge chocolate-covered strawberry to share.

I have never owned a "Colorado" t-shirt in the twelve years I have lived here. So Q decided it was time to buy one. He was spoiling me like crazy, and I kept insisting that he get something for himself. He didn't, but he sure enjoyed all the food that we had while we were up there.

Penelope's World Famous Burgers and Fries is one of my favorite eating places in Estes Park. The burgers are huge and juicy! Since we had a late breakfast, we enjoyed this very late lunch at about three o'clock this afternoon. While I enjoyed a burger with fries, Q ate up a hot sandwich and onion rings.

We continued to walk around the town and visited many of the shops. It kept raining off and on during the day, but it didn't keep us from having fun outside. Right before we left, we wanted dessert and we came across a pie-by-the-slice place. Q ate a slice of triple berry pie while I ate this caramel pecan apple pie a la mode! It was big, so Q helped me finish it. I felt like I gained ten pounds in a matter of 24 hours! 

I'm so thankful for a husband who is spontaneous sometimes. I didn't know about this getaway until yesterday afternoon, but I'm glad that I joyfully went along with it. I'm such a planner and organizer that at times, his spontaneity has driven me crazy. But--I'm learning how to go with the flow. And you know what? When I do that, I find that I have the best time with the man God gave to me.


  1. Looks like you had a great getaway! The food looks fabulous sounds like you did alot of walking though I think if you walk and eat it doesn't count right! LOL ~Blessings :-)

  2. Happy anniversary! That sounds so fun. And yummy! :)

  3. Thanks, gals. It was a lot of fun! I guess the calories don't count because we did walk a lot.:)

  4. Estes Park, I enjoyed the 7 years that I lived there with my family. Truly it is one of the most beautiful places in the world! I am so glad you had some much needed rest and relaxion Theo, keep having fun and going on dates together:)


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