Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mika's Art

This past week, my sewing machine stopped working. The feed dogs weren't moving the fabric along and there was nothing I could do to fix it. (It's currently at the shop and I can't wait to get it back!:) I wanted to finish Jianna's flower-shaped hide and seek pillow, so I tried to think of someone that would lend me their machine. The next day, my husband suggested that perhaps our friend, Dave, would lend me his machine. He also teaches at the school part-time, so we talked it over the day we were both there. We came up with a plan to eat dinner out with his family, then I'd go over to his house and use his sewing machine. Q and Dave went fishing while his wife, Coco, and daughter, Mika, and I spent time talking and crafting. 

After I finished Jianna's pillow, Mika and I made one together. She is one very talented five-year-old! Her parents are both artists and it's clear to me that the Lord has gifted her in this area as well. I drew the main part of the butterfly first on card stock to make a pattern. Then, she asked if she could draw the antennae. 

This is the pair of antennae that Mika gave her butterfly. I love it! Since it was getting late that night, Mika used fabric paint on another day to decorate it. I was able to get it back from her mom this weekend to get some good pictures of it. It was so fun to work on this project with Mika. 

Mika wanted me to make sure that I also posted this picture on my blog! She gave it to Q and I to put on our refrigerator. It is of a lady bug and underneath it are addition facts. She signed her name in cursive on the very bottom of the paper. Our school teaches cursive to kindergarteners and it's amazing to see how they progress with their writing skills all year. When I taught K5, I couldn't believe how well these students could write this way! 

This is me and Mika today after the morning service. I didn't notice this at first, but there's lots of purple in this picture, including the butterfly pillow! :) This picture makes me smile. I'm thankful for the many boys and girls that God allows me to invest my time in. 

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