Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rocky Mountain Youth Conference

This past weekend was a busy one for my husband as he took over 30 teens to the Rocky Mountain Youth Conference in Denver.  This event is held every two years during Easter weekend. They all left the church on Thursday afternoon and returned on Saturday. About 500 were in attendance, including the youth leaders. They met at the Westin hotel, where they bunked up in rooms and had a meeting room for the services.

During the two days, the teens got to hear two speakers preach on different topics. The theme for this year was called, "apologia," meaning "defending the faith/knowing what you believe." I heard great things from the teens on what they learned. The Gospel was also presented and 31 teens accepted the Lord as their Savior! Praise the Lord!

Along with the services, the teens took part in many activities: games on the field, ice skating, bowling, and gladiator games. I'm always amazed at how much energy these teens have--they love to play!

My husband came back with awesome things to say about the conference itself and about the teens. They behaved well and enjoyed themselves immensely. They also learned many things from the preaching times. I hope and pray that the things learned and decisions made will last a lifetime for these young people. It's neat to see spiritual growth as they mature in the Lord.


  1. Wow looks like a great conference I have a soon to be teen and I think he would enjoy something like this. Wow and 31 teens accepting the Lord that must have been awesome for your husband to witness! It is so exciting to seen young adults stepping out in faith! PTL :-)

  2. Yes, it's always one of the highlights of youth ministry. Lots of work goes into it, but it's all worth it, especially when so many get saved and/or make life-changing decisions.


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