Saturday, April 18, 2009

Guess who decided to come early?

The answer is--Eli Joseph Ledesma, my newest nephew who was born this past Wednesday morning! He weighed in at 7 pounds, 1 oz. and is 19 and 3/4 inches long. His original due date was May 13 (my birthday:), but God allowed Eli to be born 4 weeks early. He is going home today after being in the hospital for observation because of his premie status. Older sister, Mia (5) and older brother, Jaden (3) are excited to have a little brother. My sister, Raquel, and Eli are doing well physically--praise the Lord! The baby shower is tomorrow, so Eli will now get to be seen by all.

I received this picture of Eli on my phone yesterday. He's a cutie, don't you think? I'm sure I'll get some more pictures soon. I wish there was a way I could hold him and squeeze him (but not too tightly!)--but CA is too far away for us to get to right now.

I made this birthday card for Eli using scrap booking tags, embroidery floss, stamps and chalk. It was fast and simple-perfect for the boy who came early and the auntie who wanted to send something off quick!
Inside the card, I stamped this baby stamp and colored it in with chalk. I used a calligraphy pen to write the words. I'm currently working on sewing something for the little guy. Just didn't think he'd come before I was done with it!

Happy Birthday, Eli! Uncle Q and I can't wait to meet you someday.:)


  1. Despite his preemie status, he sounds like a very nice sized baby! And HOW cute he is! Congratulations on your darling little nephew. Eli is a wonderful name!

  2. Adorable picture! He is beautiful~ Very cute card as well! Great job ~Have fun visiting with your new Nephew Eli~Blessings :-)

  3. Oh he is so precious. I am glad things are okay even though he came early. Can't wait to see what you made him. (-:

  4. Such a precious baby! Theo, you have so many talents, you amaze me! Love your card and the caligraphy! Christina

  5. Thanks for your kind words, gals. He is so cute--maybe I can fly out for a few days this summer and see him. I don't know if that will work, but it would be fun!:) I'm almost done with the outfit I'm sewing for him--will post that soon!:)


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