Friday, April 3, 2009

A big thanks to Mom

Mom went back to CA yesterday after spending a week and a half with me and Q. She was a great help to me during the first few days of my recovery.  She cooked, cleaned, watched movies with me--and even had time to work on some sewing projects that she wanted to get done.

Mom is AMAZING! 

We took this picture before we left to take her to the airport.  It was actually the first day that I felt pretty good to put in my contacts and wear make up again! And yes, my hair is short. It wasn't what I wanted the new girl at the hair salon to do (some miscommunication there), but now I'm beginning to like it.  Q likes it anyway, and that's all that matters, eh?

The necklace and bracelet set shown below was one of my gifts to Mom for coming out and helping me. I made it when I had that jewelry-making party with the jr. high girls a couple weeks ago.  She loved it and I think it looks great on her.

Thanks again, Mom for all you did to help us when you were out here. We love you!


  1. Moms are great! Nice job on the jewelry.

  2. Yup--it's awesome to have Mom there to help even when we're grown up.:) I'd like to try making jewelry again, as that was my first time and it would be fun to experiment with different styles and colors.


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