Monday, March 9, 2009

My Garden: planting seeds indoors

For a few weeks now, Q and I have been talking about having a garden this year.  We wondered what we would do, especially since we don't have a lot of space in our patio.  Trying some things in pots seems to be the answer.  We'll also just scatter some mixed flower seeds on the dirt bed on the patio when the weather gets warmer and there seems to be no snow in the forecast.

We picked up a couple herb packets at Wal-mart--oregano and basil.  I also found a couple seed packets in my gardening box that I had forgotten about.  The peppermint and chamomile seeds were freebies last year from Celestial Seasonings.  We also thought we'd try growing cherry tomatoes in a pot this year.

To start my garden indoors, I used about 2 dozen styrofoam cups.  I poked four holes on the bottom of each one, then filled them with potting soil.  Before adding seeds, I labeled each cup. I did about three cups per herb and about a dozen tomato cups.  I placed 2-3 tomato seeds in each one. I placed the cups on three trays lined with foil then watered them.  They are sitting on my dining room table, but I hope to give them a little sunshine when the weather warms up a bit.  I am really excited to see these seeds grow--I'll keep you posted on how they do.


  1. I don't have a yard, so I have a potted flower garden. It helps add a lot to my little area. Hope your little garden does well.

  2. I do container gardening as well , I have found that the VERY best Windowsil Planters are

    In the middle of winter they work so well that I have Cilantro Basil and Majorm blooming , BTW if you pinch off basil flowers the plant will last longer.

    Have an ever blessed day !!


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