Monday, March 30, 2009

How to make fried plantain chips (amarillos)

For part of our dinner today, Mom made an easy appetizer called amarillos (meaning "yellows"). They are basically fried plantain chips that are a treat in Puerto Rico.  My dad is a native Puerto Rican. My mother was born in the states, but when she was a young teen, moved to the island with her mom and siblings.  She met my dad and began dating him during high school. They moved to California where they came to know the Lord. They were married soon after being saved and have lived there ever since.

So many people think my mom is Puerto Rican and I can see why.  She speaks Spanish fluently, knows the culture and can cook the food without a recipe!  She thought it was a neat idea for me to post this tutorial on how to make plantain chips.  They are very good--sweet and salty at the same time.  Wouldn't this be a fun thing to make when you have friends over?  I think my teen gals would love learning how to make some thing like this.

Okay, so here goes...enjoy!

Fried Plantain Chips

2 plantains
canola or vegetable oil

Step 1:  Peel the plantains and slice them diagonally about a 1/2 inch thick.

Step 2:  Pour oil into a frying pan until it's about an inch deep.  Get it nice and hot for a few minutes on medium heat.  You may even want to start this while you finish up your slicing.

Step 3:  Place each slice one at a time into the pan to avoid splashing the hot oil.  Cook the plantain until it turns golden brown.  Turn over the slices to cook the other side. Depending on the size of your pan, you may have to cook it in a couple batches.

Step 4:  Place golden brown plantain chips on a plate covered with a paper towel. Sprinkle with salt.  You'll want to let it cool just a bit because they taste awesome warm!


  1. So are they crispy all the way through like banana chips? They look good.

  2. Theo, I don't know if I've commented on here before, but I've visited recently & caught up on your news. I am very glad to hear that you are recovering well from your surgery. Wasn't it nice to have your mama there? I remember her (and your dad,too) with so much fondness. I wish we could all get together again like we did for Sonia's wedding. I love amarillos! Great idea to post about them. Come over & visit on my blog if you get the chance!

  3. Hey gals! Great to hear from ya. Yes, it's been great having Mom here. She's leaving on Thursday; we've had a great time together. Mary Ann, I think I've seen your blog a couple times from a link on Erin's. I'll be adding you on my friend's blog list.:) Can't wait to hear how your wedding goes. I'm sure it will be beautiful. Erin, when the plantains are green and firm, they tend to get crispier and we then call them "tostones." After slicing them, they can be smashed a bit to be more like a flat chip and then salted, too. These plantains happened to be a little riper and sweeter. Talk to ya later. Have a great day!


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