Thursday, February 19, 2009

What to do in the wilderness

A couple weeks ago, my pastor gave an excellent message that brought tears to my eyes.  I ordered a copy of the message because I wanted to listen to it again and take notes so that I would remember the important truths that he shared.

The message was called, What to do in the wilderness.  I thought I'd share his points and tell you how it has encouraged my heart.  He spoke from Luke 4, where it speaks about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness.  Sometimes we don't understand why we're in the "wilderness", but God is in control and it's all part of His plan.  With my physical condition and upcoming surgery, I've sometimes wondered why, but when I try to look at it from an eternal perspective, I know it's all for good.

Here's what my pastor shared....

1.  Recognize that you are there by His design. (Mark 1:11-12)
Don't question God.  He's preparing you for other things.  Many individuals in Bible times were taken alone in the wilderness, but it was all for good.  (ex: Moses) 

2.  Rest in Who is there with you. (John 14:16)
In the middle of the desert, we must remember who's with us.  Jesus says, "I am with you alway."  Psalm 23 tells us that the Lord is with us and that He comforts us.

3.  Realize there are times in the wilderness that only you and the Spirit can understand. (ex: Christ's 40 days of temptation)
Don't be frustrated when others don't understand.  Don't depend on even that good friend to always be there--trust in the One who loves and care about you more.

4.  Rejoice that usefulness follows wilderness. (Luke 4:13-14)
Have availability...say, "Here am I."  Don't jump out of the wilderness until God leads you.  He will bring you out in His good time.  I Peter 5:10 says, "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you."

I love that final verse shared, because it speaks right to what I'm going through.  Even though I'm not going through temptation, I have struggled at times with the physical difficulties I've been having.  I know that through this, God is working in my life in so many areas and I hope to be an encouragement to women in the future who may find themselves in the same circumstances.  I want God to be glorified, even while I'm waiting in the wilderness.  God has been with me through the tears and doctor's visits.  I know that He will continue to see me through.

By the way, I'll be having surgery in about a month.  It will be soon after I take my choirs to state competition.  I'll have time to rest and recover before going back to finish the school year. I covet your prayers, even now as I wait, having some discomfort and pain. (I have written past posts under health, if you'd like to know more.)

Just another quick note...if you go to my church or are a part of our school, please keep my surgery information quiet until we share it right before the surgery.  Since some of the info. regarding my surgery is of a private nature, Q and I would like to be the ones to share it in an appropriate manner.  Thanks.:)

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