Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stitched birthday card and coupons for Pa

The decorative paper on the edges of these coupons were stitched on as well--why not, right?  I also used fun stickers on these coupons. One coupon entitles him to a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies (he loved these when I was living at home), and the other for a trip to Cinnabon with me and Q to enjoy a warm cinnamon roll with a glass of milk (one of his favorite treats at the mall).  I know he'll like these, but I also know that he'll remember to redeem them as soon as we see each other again.

Pa, if you're reading this--happy birthday from me and Quentin.  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work on the cards Theo! Perhaps I too will take up crafts.
    Christina Powers


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