Sunday, February 8, 2009

Project Jerusalem

Our church has begun an amazing outreach program called, "Project Jerusalem."  Yesterday was our first Saturday to take part of this 3-month endeavor.  Our goal is to reach our entire city through three different contacts:  door hangers, mail-outs and visitation.  Not only do we want folks to come visit our church, but we want to be a witness to them and see many come to know the Lord as Savior.

My husband and I tagged team with another married couple putting door hangers on one hundred homes.  All of the groups that went out went to areas near the church.  Q and I happen to live close to the church so when we got home, what do you think we saw?  Yup, a door hanger that said, "Come and See" with the name of our church on it.

This is an awesome idea for your church if you're trying to think of a new way to reach out to your community.  I'm so glad for the many that came out to be a part of this yesterday.  I will give updates as we continue being a part of this.  It will be so neat to meet people that get saved or become part of our church because of the prayer and efforts we put into this.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I certainly hope you consider visiting the church. It sounds like a good one. :)


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