Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mission Project Ski Fest

My husband, along with about 20 teens and a couple youth sponsors, went up to the snowy mountains for the annual Ski Fest yesterday.  This event, held each President's Day, has changed a bit the last couple years, making it a mission project as well. Each person was given a plastic baggie with five gospel tracts.  As they went on ski lifts or sat in the lodge, they were to make conversation with someone and leave them with a tract.  Q said that the entire day went well--no injuries, lots of fun, and people were given the Gospel.

The above picture is Q with one of our youth sponsors, Mr. Wells.  I did ask Q's permission to post this picture as he doesn't look quite himself with that hat on!  He told me that he wore it all day with those sunglasses.  It is a Russian hat (don't remember the real name for it), and was given to him by his dad, who travels for A.C.E. all over the world.  Q's quite the character; I just love his sense of humor and how it draws the teens and those he comes in contact with.

1 comment:

  1. That's a funny hat, made me laugh. Theo you sure do have a opposite in personalities with your husband. He hunts and ski! He's quite an outdoors man. We have a friend who lives 20 miles from us who hunts in the woods all the time and he looks like a bugs bunny cartoon, its so funny. Buddy used to be shy and now being around me he is more adventuresome and outgoing. Although due to my safety first personality I would never try out ski even water ski here in Florida is not my idea of fun although I love to watch both sports!


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