Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A delight for the Curious George fan

The book, The Journey That Saved Curious George by Louise Borden is a keeper!  I'm so glad I bought this book which I'd been keeping on my list of "books to buy" list for a long time.  I bought it with a Barnes and Noble gift card on-line. In fact, I got it through a book distributor that sells through B & N, and only paid a fraction of what it normally sells for.

To summarize the story, the author shares the lives of Margret and H. A. Rey, the creators of Curious George. It tells some of their growing up years and is extensive on their journey out of Paris during World War II. Along with their few possessions at the time, they traveled with the manuscript of The Adventures of Fifi (later renamed, Curious George). And...well, you'll just have to read the rest of the story to find out how the Rey's and George make it at the end.  I loved all the drawings and pictures and I learned a bit of history along the way, too.

I've been a Curious George reader for a long time and I loved getting to know a bit about the authors through reading this book.  I know that you and your family will enjoy reading more about the curious little monkey who always got into trouble!

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